This function standardizes college names to cfbplotR defaults. This helps for joins and plotting.

clean_school_names(school, keep_non_matches = TRUE)



a character vector of names


If TRUE (the default) an element of school that can't be matched to any of the internal mapping vectors will be kept as is. Otherwise it will be replaced with NA.


A character vector with the length of school and cleaned team abbreviations if they are included in team_name_mapping. Non matches may be replaced with NA (depending on the value of keep_non_matches).


x <- c("utah", "San Jose State", "Hawaii", "UTSA", "SLC", "USC")
# use current location and keep non matches
#> Warning: Abbreviations not found in `cfbplotR::team_name_mapping`: SLC
#> [1] "Utah"           "San José State" "Hawai'i"        "UTSA"          
#> [5] "SLC"            "USC"           

# replace non matches
clean_school_names(x, keep_non_matches = FALSE)
#> Warning: Abbreviations not found in `cfbplotR::team_name_mapping`: SLC
#> [1] "Utah"           "San José State" "Hawai'i"        "UTSA"          
#> [5] NA               "USC"